Friday 17 April 2020

Domains Using Database

Go to window and select Samples Console from open perspective. Then click on import projects in Data sources for BOM Domains to import the project as shown in the below fig.

 Now the bomdomainpopulate project is imported into our Rule Designer. This project uses a plugin project with the name to fetch the domain values from DB. This plugin project works with Derby DB. To work with Derby DB, we can refer the following link here(using default derby data base use above link.

 If we want to use a database other than derby, then we need to do some changes in the plugin project, so that it can work with the preferred DB. To do the changes in the plugin project, we need to follow these steps

Go to File and select import. Select Plugins and Fragments from the import window as shown and click on next

Select Project with source folders and click on next.

Select and click on add.

click to finsh.

              We have imported is an existing plugin project. Now we will do the following changes in this project, to make it work with other DB. Click on the plugin project and select properties. Click on Java Build Path and remove derbyclient.jar and click on OK

Now remove the derbyclient.jar from lib folder.

Now add the required DB driver jar file in the lib folder as shown. For example let us make this plugin to fetch domains from Oracle DB. So add ojdbc6.jar file in the lib folder

Then Select the plugin project and click on properties. Click on java Build Path and add the ojdbc6.jar file, which is present in the lib folder of the plugin project

Then click on data and select This properties file has the properties w.r.t., derby DB.

Change the properties w.r.t. the preferred DB. For eg., the following figure shows the connection properties with reference to the Oracle DB.

After that, select the MANIFEST.MF file and click on run time tab as shown. Remove the Derby references

                                                                                                                                                               After removing the derby references, add the DB references which we wanted to use. Here we take it as oracle references.

Now click on build tab as shown in the fig and select the lib folder in which the ojdbc6.jar is present.

Now click on MANIFEST.MF tab and remove the “lib/derbyclient.jar” and add “lib/ojdbc6.jar”.

 Now go the default plugin folder in your PC. The default plugin folder will be in the path: 

<INSTALL_DIR>/IBM/IMShared/plugins. Here the number in the folder name refers to the ODM version we are using. Take the backup of the folder shown below. This is the same plugin project which we have worked in eclipse. But the changes done by us are done at the work space level. To reflect the changes in the plugin level, copy the plugin project from eclipse IDE and paste in this default plugin location

Now go the preferred DB console and enter the following commands. Click Here.

Now the changes are completed. Restart the eclipse IDE, so that the changes made in the plugin will be reflected in the eclipse IDE. After restarting the eclipse IDE, select the bomdomainpopulate-rules project and click on Currency Type. If there are any domain values in the domains section, select “Edit the domain” option.

Select all the domains and click on remove. Click Finish.

Then select all the members and click on delete.

Click on save and then click on synchronize with dynamic values.

Now we will be able to see the domain values which are fetched from the preferred DB i.e., Oracle.

If we add or delete any domain values in the DB, click on synchronize with dynamic values to reflect the changes.

Creating Dynamic Domains at Decision Center using Database:

Go to Samples and Tutorials window in Rule designer. Select Data sources for BOM domains in decision center tab and click on import projects.

 The serverbompopulate project will be imported to the Rule designer. The src folder of serverbompopulate contains two classes DomainValueProvider and DomainHelper. When we click the DomainHelper class, we will see this following code.

                    We can see the values are hard coded and it is not dealing with Database. So we are going to change the code so that it can work with DB. Delete the and download the two java files given in the link Click Here. Place the java files in serverbompopulate package of src folder. Add the required database driver jar into the lib folder. If Oracle DB is used, then add ojdbc6.jar into the lib folder. If derby DB is used, add derbyclient.jar into the lib folder. Here Oracle DB is taken as reference in this context.

               Then click on the serverbompopulate project and click properties. Select Java Build Path and click on add jars. Add the jar which is recently added to the lib folder of serverbompopulate.

Now we need to do some modifications in the bulid.xml file to make this project work in context with the changes. So The below fig., depicts the changes that are needed to be done in build.xml.

      Give the name of your jar file in the boxes shown in the above image. As we have used Oracle DB, it is ojbc6.jar. Now the changes are done. Now go to window and then show view. Click on ant. Double-click on the repack command in the build.xml file.

        This command does a series of tasks. It copies the jrules-team server.ear file into a temporary location. In that temporary location, it unpacks the ear file and then unpacks the teamserver ear file. After that, it converts the src folder of serverbompopulate to a jar file and also copies the ojdbc6.jar file to lib folder of the war file. Then it packs the war file again and then it packs the ear file. The final ear file will be seen in the websources folder of the serverbompopulate project in Rule Designer.

     After you see the BUILD SUCCESSFUL message in the console, click on deploy command in build.xml. This copies the ear file and it deploys it in the samples server.

     After successful deployment, click on set-config-param command to assign the custom property with key derbyDataBaseDomainProvider. The sample logs generated when executing the repack, deploy and set-config-param can be seen here.

Now go to decision center and select bomdomainpopulate-rules project. Depending on the ODM version, it will be in Work on a rule project or in Work on a decision service.

Go to Project tab and click on Update dynamic domains

Click on the required type that is needed to be updated and click on update.

On successful updation, a message will be displayed as shown

Now we will be able to see the new domain value. If we removed a domain value from the database, then that value will be shown as deprecated and it cannot be visible in the drop down box as shown.

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